
Understanding life and its constituent enable us to know the structure of our body and brain for happy and enlightened living. Therefore, we will begin with the primary unit cells that constitute living beings.

Basic Units of Life

All the matter that exists in the universe is made of atoms. Since atoms of many elements do not exist alone, the combinations of atomic elements are called molecules. For example, water molecules consist of hydrogen and oxygen atoms; the common salt is sodium and chlorine. Water and salt are simple molecules. More complex molecules, or macromolecules like sugar and oil, are made of a long chain of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

All the universe's matter is classified into living and non-living entities. All animals, plants, and human beings are considered to be living entities as these can grow and reproduce. Like animals, humans are made of flesh, bones, and blood, while all plants consist of roots, stems, and leaves. All the organs of living entities consist of four types of macromolecules. These biological macromolecules are known as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The smallest unit of life consisting of these macromolecules is called a cell. We will explain a cell structure in more detail here.

A photograph of a leaf is shown in Figure 2 1. If we examine a leaf, we can see it is made of smaller structures.


Figure 2.1 A magnified image of a plant leaf showing smaller structures.


The tiny units making these structures are the basic building blocks of plants known as plant cells. All other parts of plants are also made of these cells. Similarly, for all animals, including humans, all the organs are constituted by a basic unit called an animal cell.




Figure 2.2: A schematic showing the organelles of a plant cell.

Source: Credit to [CC BY 4.0 (].


The typical size of a cell is between 10 micrometers to 100 micrometers. Various small specialized structures of a living cell are known as organelles. Similarly, the various organelles of an animal cell are shown in Figure 2.3. By examining Figure 2 2 and Figure 2.3, we find that the animal and plant cells have many similarities and a few differences. Animal and plant cells have a cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The chloroplasts, vacuoles, and cell walls are found only in plant cells. Within the cell's nucleus, there are chromosomes containing deoxyribonucleic acid DNA.

A cell performs all life processes, such as survival, growth, reproduction, etc. A cell's functioning can be easily understood by comparing it to a mini factory producing other macromolecules, such as proteins required for life. The cell membrane acts as the boundary with several gates to control the flow of what goes in and out of the factory. The cytoskeleton provides shape to the factory using the microfilaments and the microtubules. The nucleus acts as a manager office, where DNA works as a chief architect to provide the design for all the types of proteins or macromolecules to be manufactured. All the units are maintained in a stable environment by cytoplasm, which acts as a factory's central air-conditioning system. The mitochondria act as a powerhouse for the factory. In addition, the plant cells have machinery in the chloroplast for converting the Sun energy.


Figure 2.3: A schematic representation of the various parts of an animal cell.

Source: Credit to [CC BY 4.0 (].

For making body parts, each cell grows and divides itself into two similar cells in a process known as mitosis. This process continues, and thus we have a speedy way of growth, with each cell multiplying by two. In this way, the various organs of the animal or plant are constituted depending on the instructions expressed by the DNA. DNA is an essential organelle that we will describe in more detail.

DNA Structure

Each living species has unique DNA, and it is the main differentiator of the species. The DNAs carry the genetic code for animal and plant cell growth, function, and reproduction. A gene is a region of the DNA chain that encodes a particular function. Depending on the sequence of four base elements in the gene, it can express different characteristics in plants or animals. DNA has a typical double helix structure, as shown in Figure 2.4.

DNA consists of four basic nucleobases: cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine. Further, these molecules are made of four base elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, as shown in Figure 2.5. For constituting various proteins and the DNA itself, ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the base unit shown in the figure. The same four basic nucleobases also comprise RNA, except uracil substitutes for thymine.


Figure 2.4: A magnified representation of the double helix structure of DNA.

Source: Credit to CC0 Public domain.


Figure 2.5: Schematic diagram showing the chemical structure of DNA and RNA with their nucleobases.

The packing of DNA into a chromosome is illustrated in Figure 2.6. Certain types of proteins help compel the chromosomal DNA into the tiny space of the eukaryotic nucleus, as shown in Figure 2.6. These proteins are called histones, and the resulting DNA-protein complex is chromatin.


Figure 2.6: An illustration to show how DNA is packed in chromosomes.

Source: Credit to [CC BY 4.0 (].

It may seem paradoxical that proteins are added to DNA to make it more compact. For example, we know it is much easier to compactly store a long rope by coiling it. But, of course, coiling requires extra work, and some energy is needed to perform this work. Thus, within the nucleus, histones provide the energy to fold DNA. As a result, chromatin is packaged into a much smaller volume than DNA alone.

Knowing the structure of DNA and a basic cell, we can understand the buildup of a human body from the cells. A basic cell can become a specialized cell depending on its functionality. The special cells for reproduction are a sperm cell in males and an ovum cell in females. The sperm cell from a father is combined with the ovum cell from a mother in the mother's womb.

The sperm and ovum cells divide into four cells through a unique process known as meiosis. These sperm and ovum cells are known as haploid cells as these have only one copy of 23 chromosomes. The haploid human genome contains approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA packaged into 23 chromosomes. Except for female ova and male sperm, most body cells are diploid cells, each containing 23 pairs of chromosomes. Therefore, each diploid cell has 6 billion base pairs of DNA. The chromosomes have all the coding for all the characteristics the body will have when it is fully grown.

Comparing DNA size with the astronomical distances we discussed earlier is interesting. Each base pair is around 0.34 nanometers long, with 6 billion base pairs. Therefore, each diploid cell contains about 2 meters of DNA. It is estimated that the human body has about 50 trillion cells. Thus, the total DNA length for a human turns out to be 100 trillion meters. We mentioned earlier that the Sun is 150 million kilometers away from Earth. It means that each of us has enough DNA to go from Earth to the Sun and back more than 300 times. Earlier, we also mentioned that Earth's perimeter is 40000 kilometers. Therefore, our DNA can go around Earth's equator 2.5 million times.

With the knowledge of the basic units of living entities, we can define life.

Definitions of Life

Everything in this universe can be considered to be a form of energy. Therefore, some ontological and philosophical studies have attempted to define life in terms of energy. In addition to animals and plants, there is another variety of life on the Earth. There exists a large number of different single-cell organisms.

All the forms of life existing on Earth are broadly classified into three categories. These categories are the three lineages of life known as the eukaryote, the bacteria, and the archaea. Bacteria are the smallest living cells. A base cell of bacteria is classified as a prokaryote type, while all the plants and animal cells are classified as a eukaryote type.

Some entities similar to an organelle or DNA strand, such as viruses, prions, etc., can grow. However, standalone, any organelles of a cell do not constitute life. Therefore, we will not consider such structures as life as these cannot support life functions independently.

Our body is an organized system of a large number of cells. We need to consume food for survival and growth. Many chemical processes in our body, such as the conversion of food into energy, are known as metabolic processes. For optimum performance, our body maintains a constant temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat through processes known as homeostasis. We tend to reproduce and evolve with the changing environment. We respond to various stimuli to perform desired actions. Therefore, life is defined in terms of biological processes such as metabolism, homeostasis, adaptation, and reproduction. While in philosophy, life is often studied in contrast to non-living things. Non-living does not respond to the environment or any stimulus. A non-living thing does not have free will and cannot move itself. Thus, free will is considered an essential feature of living entities.

Since we shall be dealing mainly with intelligent life, we will define it now. We define intelligent life as an autonomous system of cells that undergo birth and death processes while interacting with the external environment for survival, growth, reproduction, and evolution. Thus, intelligent life has a brain that can think independently and has free will. Therefore, it includes all types of animals that move according to free will. This definition excludes plants, bacteria, viruses, prions, etc., from intelligent life.