Coming into Being

Life and its origin are the topics of debate between the scientific community and religious believers. The unrelenting debate is pushing the human quest to ascertain the truth. The truth is a fact or reality that we can verify. The most rational approach for finding a fact is the one that explains naturally occurring phenomena through various tests, observations, and experiments. Therefore, definitive facts from modern scientific analysis about human existence supersede the long-held beliefs based on theological literature.

Understanding life and its origin facilitates leading an enlightened and happy life. Moreover, knowledge of the universe and its origin enables us to find how we came into being. We know that we exist on Earth, a planet of the Sun, a star, and a tiny part of the universe. We find that the universe began from a singularity that evolved to its present form, where we see a variety of life thriving on Earth. We, humans, are known to be an intelligent form of life.

It is a well-understood fact that our life began in the womb of our mothers. We can trace our genealogy and know the names of our forefathers for the past few hundred years. A person's genealogy can be traced easily for hundreds of years in the written records available in some countries. Also, it is possible to explore human life for a few thousand years based on the relics left by early human beings. Recent scientific evidence shows that modern humans have come into existence after long evolution from simple life forms. Therefore, to discover our development, it becomes necessary to understand what life is. Also, we need to know the essential unit components of life. After learning about the structure of living beings, we can explore the origin of life.